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UK Home Sec: Give us a snoop-around for WhatApp encryption. Don't worry, we won't go into the cloud

big_D Silver badge

such applications give terrorists a "place to hide".

Such applications give normal people a place to communicate without being overheard by hackers...

And removing encryption would mean the end of the internet. Without it, there would be no online banking, no online retail and no communication tools for businesses or teams.

If they want to go this route, then they need to ban fertilizer, diesel, petrol, alarm clocks, mobile phone, card, trucks, computers, knives, guns and dozens of other every day items that are essential to everyday life, because they could also be used by terrorists.

If a politician doesn't understand a subject, such as the applied mathematics used in crypto, they should not be allowed to make such stupid comments about it. Apply that to all areas where they poke their noses in and the world would be a much more sensible, and quieter place.

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