Reply to post: Re: Best traps

Squirrel sinks teeth into SAN cabling, drives Netadmin nuts

Robert Carnegie Silver badge

Re: Best traps

Agreed, glue is mean. Humanely catching and releasing is impractical and maybe illegal, as noted. Therefore the real humane option is a death trap, plus planning how to execute (humanely) a trapped animal that wasn't killed. I think I had in mind "crush its head flat with a brick", but it didn't arise.

I had mice. I'm not an unkind person, I think, but I decided that the only way to not have mice was to kill all the mice.

Dispose of bodies in little tied plastic bags, like dog poo. (although, not hung around tree branches in public parks. Although, would feed birds, of a certain kind, in winter.)

One mouse may have got away, perhaps mortally injured, since the last time a trap (rat size, guaranteed kill, I got two once) was tripped, there was no mouse and no bait but after that the traps, and also my food supplies, were not disturbed.

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