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Why do GUIs jump around like a demented terrier while starting up? Am I on my own?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Delayed GUIs ... I once encountered this on an ATM in Lyon Airport. Put card in and it presented a screen with options on what to do so tapped on the "withdraw cash" as I want €50 to pay Autorote toll and have some cash for drinks etc. Nothing happened, assumed touch screen wasn't working so tapped again, nothing happened, tapped again, then suddenly it sprang to life and swiftly flicked thorugh 3 screens using my three screen taps that were evidently queued (and applied to screens it had not yet displayed) so it decided I had selected "withdraw cash" from the first screen, rejected all the options of amounts between €10 and €100 from the first "select amount" page and then selected €500 from the second "select amount" page which it duly dispensed to me while I rapidly tried to work out (a) if I had that amount in my account to withdraw and (b) how I would use at least €450 cash that I didn't need at that time (think I paid for hotel by cash and rest stayed in my wallet till we went on holiday a couple of months later)

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