Reply to post: Re: Same Old Tricks?

New iPad revealed. Big price cut is main feature


Re: Same Old Tricks?

>market will bear

Agree with you, but...

There is a real risk in exposing too much of your pricing strategy, esp @ premium end of market. It'd be more clever to add some other features to muddle the issue, even with a _higher_ price gap. That's where the new touchbar on the MBPS "help".

Now, no one is accusing Apple users of being overly price-conscious. But people still buy stuff believing "it's worth it". When you price in incremental 16GB flash additions @ $100, people eventually notice. Ditto $500 for an extra 8GB ram and bigger SSD (on the MBPs). These are well-known components in after-market, easy to price.

So those customers may gain a bit too much insight into the value, or lack thereof, you are offering. It's too much transparency.

Personally, I'd be interested in replacing my iPad 4, but I need the cellular model because it (probably) is the only with a real GPS. I have offline mapping apps, Navistar and PocketEarth that don't make much sense wo GPS.

Sorry, $130 still feels like I am being gouged. No matter what the nitwit talking about "iPad routers" is claiming.

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