Reply to post: Re: There are already many sites that work on Chrome but poorly on other browsers...

Microsoft loves Linux so much, its OneDrive web app runs like a dog on Windows OS rivals


Re: There are already many sites that work on Chrome but poorly on other browsers...

There are sites that literally refuse to serve anything except download instructions for Chrome if you visit with IE.

Also, quite a few sites give you a 403 if you try to access them with Lynx, but work fine if you change the User-Agent header... IIRC they are behind CloudFlare or such and have enabled filtering of clients sending "invalid" user agents.

All that's missing for them is to add a little banner saying "This site best viewed with Netscape Navigator 3.0"... but with the last part crossed out and replaced with "Chrome 97" (or whatever the current version is). Wasn't the whole point of things like web standards to avoid precisely this? Also, wasn't this one of the reasons people were so upset with Microsoft/IE in the 90s/early 2000s?

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