Reply to post: Re: Say what?

Large Hadron Collider turns up five new particles

Sanctimonious Prick

Re: Say what?


"No doubt very impressive, but I have less than zero clue what 95% of this article means :/"

Good question. And not one I could answer with my limited, backyard knowledge. However it prompted me to find an answer that is relatively easy to comprehend...

"Almost no physics research has can be directly applied to impact everyday lives. Some applied physics research can be applied to everyday lives in the not too distant future. But even a lot of applied physics research in the most optimistic scenarios may not be direclty applicable.




JJ Thompson thought that the electron would never have any direct applications and said “The electron: may it never be of any use to anybody!” in jest. Of course the electron is critical for all sorts of technology today and more uses will come every decade. It’s been 120 years and the implications are still coming."

Or maybe it's making matters worse? :)

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