Reply to post: Re: Options?

Microsoft kills Windows Vista on April 11: No security patches, no hot fixes, no support, nada

martinusher Silver badge

Re: Options?

You definitely want to avoid Windows 10. Its just undergone a 'major update' which has numerous drawbacks, not least that its trying to suck you into Microsoft's cloud while introducing a whole slew of annoying bugs and problems. My solution to the Vista problem would be to ignore it; like industrial systems you can't keep upgrading your platforms every five minutes so you isolate your system from the prying eyes of the Interweb, just leaving it to do its job. (Software, after all, doesn't wear out.)

One of the ironies of my Win10 machine is it shares a desk with an older system that runs both Linux and Windows 2000. I never cease to be impressed about how stable and reliable Win2000 was compared to "new, improved" versions of the code. Sure, it'll probably attract all manner of Trojans and stuff if it was allowed outside the firewall but it leads a relatively quiet and isolated life.

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