Reply to post: Re: Why? Because...

Why is the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Vega+ project so delayed?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Why? Because...

I'm disgusted that you're continuing to perpetuate the utterly groundless smear that Indiegogo is Kickstarter with even lower standards and fewer safeguards.

For example, Indiegogo is the home of well-researched, grounded, not remotely pie-in-the-sky-scam campaigns such as Bleen 3D... sorry, I meant *was* the home of Bleen 3D.

I've no idea why their page was eventually shut down after they'd gathered $66,000. I'm sure they returned that all to the backers and didn't use "flexible funding" as a getout to spend it all on hookers and blow with no recourse for investors.

Perhaps they were they victim of a terrible person attacking them by explaining with well-reasoned arguments why their proposal wasn't even remotely plausible with current technology (and basically against the laws of physics) or that their videos and photos were just mockups and stock photos/footage, or that they created the (now-deleted) Wikipedia page describing the "credentials" of their own staff. What sort of cad would make well-reasoned criticisms like that?

I hope Indiegogo restore Bleen's page as soon as possible, so that they can reach their $225,000 goal needed to research and make breakthroughs in cutting-edge physics (on a budget roughly the size of a seatbelt in a US Air Force fighter) and *then* develop it into a workable product for the amount of money Samsung probably spend annually on Twiglets.

LEAVE INDIGOGO ALONE!!!!!!!!!!111111 :'-( etcetera...

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