Reply to post: Re: Scary

Oracle gives FCC a great big sloppy kiss: You're doing a great job axing net neutrality, privacy

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Scary

Oracle specifically points out in their letter that the FCC under the previous administration was anything but neutral in their behavior, selecting winners and losers, as is the wont of statists everywhere. Witness Net Neutrality being enforced by FCC decree rather than legislation. Now Oracle is happy that the FCC will apparently cease laying their heavy thumb on the scales. If NN is such a hot idea let those who favor it pressure Congress for action. If the Reps refuse then it becomes a legit attack avenue in the next election, that is assuming NN's virtues outweigh it's sins.

The author says the letter is "highly unusual" for a big corporation, and the entire premise for the article's existence hangs on it. But such things do happen occasionally, right? And recent historical events might be called highly unusual too, so maybe it fits with the times, eh? But then it couldn't be called a "reach around" I guess...

I don't know just how neutral the FCC will be during the Trump admin, but I doubt it can get any less neutral than before. BTW, this Republican Pai is a 2nd generation Indian Immigrant, for what it's worth. Not the typical conservative Republican, eh?

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