Reply to post: Re: Start with CNN

Germany to Facebook, Twitter: We are *this* close to fining you €50m unless you delete fake news within 24 hours

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Start with CNN

They were not fake, they were fabricated and purchased news.

We knew when the trouble will break out in ex-Yugoslavia in the 90-es. Two weeks to the day after CNN crew lands in Sofia (if they were filming on the Serbian side and late in Kosovo) or Budapest (if they were filming on the Croatian/Bosniak side). They were there BEFORE the shooting started every effing ttime. I lost two bets on a case of beer on this and stopped betting any more.

Do not even get me started on the hours and hours and hours of footage from the Middle East where the reporters have asked a local lunatic in need of an easy earner to shoot at an imaginary foe.

It is with "F", just not Fake, It is worse. A different F word - a longer one.

By the way, Beeb and co are not any better and Faux is probably even worse.

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