Reply to post: Isn't it bigotry and prejudice to see some people in an ethnic group do something,

Can you ethically suggest a woman pursue a career in tech?


Isn't it bigotry and prejudice to see some people in an ethnic group do something,

Isn't it bigotry and prejudice to see some people in an ethnic group do something, or some gangs in an ethnic group, and then to assume (extrapolate) that all members of that ethnic group do that same something?

And isn't that true when somebody does the same thing with manual labourers? With women? With black people? And with programmers?

The only locker room talk I've ever hear or read in IT is here in The Reg by Reg writers. We aren't all like you guys.

Almost none of us here in Canada are like you guys. We're a humourless very cautious and considerate bunch here. Our jokes are about the weather and programming languages. If someone complains about a person, it is the person they're complaining about, not one of that person's groupings.

And if you bully a woman, if it ever happened, and if she ever quit, you'd have all your buddies hating you for chasing away the woman.

It is bigotry to suggest that all IT shops are like Uber. It is pure ignorance to suggest that programmers have anything more in common with rude 12 y/o gamers than do accountants, social workers and liberal arts students.

I'm tired of us in our industry being victimized and generalized over by the media because we're weak, unorganized and don't fight back.

We're a largely soft-spoken introverted group with all the defenses of a bunch of 4 year-olds and we're easy for the eloquent classes to target and bully.

And we'll never ask for an apology.

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