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Force employees to take DNA tests for bosses? We've got a new law to make that happen, beam House Republicans

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

I agree, genetic information is useful for your Doctor for "preventative medicine".

That data should NEVER be given to your employer. The idea is just idiotic. There is just so many ways it can be exploited to the detriment of the employee.

With a Court order that information can be shared with the government, because it's necessary for criminal investigations, etc. And, shared with researchers If anonymized.

The Republican Party seems to be getting more and more radicalized. I started out as a Republican, and still believe a smallish federal government is the way to go, but every year the Republican representatives seem to be less in touch with reality. And, believe the Constitution is just... that historical document (to be fair the Democrats often share this view).

I call myself a Libertarian nowadays, which just (usually) means I don't have a "representative" to vote for...

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