Reply to post: Re: Since the phone can be tracked anyway, why bother?

MAC randomization: A massive failure that leaves iPhones, Android mobes open to tracking

Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge

Re: Since the phone can be tracked anyway, why bother?

There are a lot of people complaining about this. But I understood it was a myth.

So how are you determining the actual GPS power consumption? And more importantly how (on Android 6) do you disable GPS? Because I can only see the ability to control "Location Services" (which can use WiFi and other cues).

I did find this this paper, which measured power consumption for a really old phone, and found GPS used 166mW -- more than the background task, but far less than surfing with WiFI or have the screen on. And apparently real GPS requires the phone be awake a long time, rather than go into sleep mode. But I write a location aware app and I don't notice the power drain.

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