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Anti-TV Licensing petition gets May date for Parliament debate


"Considering I see complaints of bias on the BBC from both left and right wings I'd say that's proof of impartiality, wouldn't you?"

Not really, no, because the bias that the BBC allegedly has is not one that can properly be defined in terms of Left or Right. In fact those two terms have very little meaning in mainstream UK politics these days. Much as they would both bitterly deny it, the Tories and the majority of Labour MPs have far, far more in common than the things they disagree on.

The BBC's true bias is more of a cultural-liberal establishment one. That is why it is hostile to both Corbyn and to Nuttall: they are both a threat to the establishment. In the same vein, it's also far from impartial on things like Brexit, I've read loads of articles with the headline "such and such doing well, despite Brexit."

And I'm speaking as someone who is firmly in favour of keeping the licence fee.

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