Reply to post: Re: Yeah

Apple empties gas can, strikes match, burns bridge to hot-patch apps

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Yeah

Have an upvote.

Yes there will be many who say, Apple has just made that wall around their garden even taller.

Allowing patching this way was probably a mistake and the NSA/CIA docs released this week may well have given Apple the hint that it could be used for bad things. So for the protection of the many, a feature for the few is removed.

Any software developer worth it knows that releases have to follow a process. Yes I have gnashed my teeth at times like when it took 3 weeks to get a 2 line code change put into production but that's life.

Live with it or move to another profession like Grave Digging perhaps?

Perhaps I'll get the downvotes instead of you?

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