Reply to post: Re: And will this DRM realise its been run in a VM and is a chocolate teapot?

Sir Tim Berners-Lee refuses to be King Canute, approves DRM as Web standard

Charles 9

Re: And will this DRM realise its been run in a VM and is a chocolate teapot?

First, it's a TRANS-crypter, so the output is still encrypted.

Second, you need an HDMI 2.0-level output (which means HDCP-2.0+) to still receive 4K above film rate. Otherwise, it's downscaled (1.4 only has support for 4K at film rate). So you still have the same problem. Also, compared to 2.2, 2.0 is lossy (4:4:4 to 4:2:0). Plus they may block 1.4 down-conversion for protection reasons, only allowing 4K at 2.0 and up.

Third, have you seen the price tag?

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