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COP BLOCKED: Uber app thwarted arrests of its drivers by fooling police with 'ghost cars'


To all those who say you get licensed drivers so they dont rape people, are you crazy?

A challenge I know you won't be able to meet.. Point out one post here that has said that. What has been said is it reduces the risk, unlike Uber which "hires" convicted sex offenders, murderers and so on.

They aint exactly scholars, lets face it...

Oh? And your source for that piece of bullshit is?

I've known taxi drivers who are qualified neuro surgeons. Only problem is, they qualified in another country and when they moved to NZ their qualifications couldn't be recognised. To work as a neuro surgeon they had to go through the entire medical training again. Many people from other fields had this problem. I understand NZ now has improved recognition of overseas qualifications, but for a long time it was pretty dire. Qualifications would only be recognised if they came from NZ institutions. Didn't matter if you qualified from Harvard with the highest scores/marks/whatever on record, in NZ you were unqualified and untrained. I doubt we were the only country with this issue.

Taxi drivers have to pass quite extensive testing for local area knowledge, how well they relate to customers, far better than average knowledge of road laws (not just enough to pass a test), have to have been driving for a couple of years, have to possess a certain amount of medical knowledge.

So, do you have a cite, or is your dribble just unfounded bullshit?

and heres a recent case where one got off, i guess cuz he had a license and a criminal record check?

That's quite a stretch you're pulling there. Where is it even hinted that he got off because he was a taxi driver? Sounds more like he got off because the cops couldn't prove he was raping the woman involved (did she testify? Did she lay a complaint with the cops?)

gimme a break.

Why? You don't appear to deserve one.

In 2015, Bassam Al-Rawi, a Muslim taxi driver in Halifax, was pulled over by police. Inside his cab was a 26-year-old woman with her clothes off from her chest down, unconscious. Al-Rawi’s pants were down. He was raping her.

Interesting you didn't provide a link. Is that because you're embarrassed to be quoting ""?

But as you quote in your own message....

But Judge Gregory Lenehan just acquitted him, saying:

“The Crown failed to produce any evidence of lack of consent at any time.”

So.. How does that fit your argument again?

Maybe you should look a little further afield....

Those most eager to vilify Mr. Al-Rawi seem to be the least eager to gather accurate information.

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