Reply to post: Re: The beast system tightens it's hold over dwindling means of dissent...

Dark net webmail provider Sigaint still in the, er, dark

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: The beast system tightens it's hold over dwindling means of dissent...

AFAIK no one actually knows why this service is down. Could be a perfectly innocent reason, such as running out of money, broken server they can't afford to replace, all sorts.

I dunno about the USA, but in the UK conversations with one's Member of Parliament are privileged. You can go to their office and talk about anything, and no one can force them to reveal their source when they raise the issue elsewhere on your behalf.

Society doesn't need electronic anonymity to function properly, it simply requires people who care about something important to get off their backsides and actually go see their MP. And if they can't be bothered to do that then one wonders whether the issue they're concerned about is really that important.

I would be surprised if conversations with one's senator or representative weren't similarly protected in the USA.

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