Reply to post: Re: Stop using PDFs ?

'First ever' SHA-1 hash collision calculated. All it took were five clever brains... and 6,610 years of processor time


Re: Stop using PDFs ?

> A cert is nothing but a ASCII text document of a very specific format.

there must have been some serious changes to the ASN.1 DER encoding, because last time I checked it was very much so a binary format, storing the RSA parameters as big-endian integers, etc.

> Also, let's not use the term "calculate" when we refer to this stunt Google pulled off. Anything that uses 6500 years of compute time sounds a lot more like trial & error to me...

if it was brute force, it wouldn't take 6500 CPU-years to compute, it would take good few orders of magnitude more - over a million times more to be exact

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