Reply to post: HP + Cisco + Dell != Software

HPE's started firing people at Simplivity, say former employees


HP + Cisco + Dell != Software

If there's anything that Cisco, Dell and HP have proven over and over again is that they are hardware only companies. They simply don't understand things like the fact that software is actually more important than hardware because you can take the software with you when you leave.

VMware still has at least a little bit of trust in the industry because Dell hasn't been stupid enough to try and roll it into Dell as a Dell offering.

Simplivity is absolutely useless now because it's an HPE product and you should be expected to run it on HPE hardware and if you leave, you leave Simplivity also.

Cisco's HyperFlex technology is an absolute joke. Because VMware is a disaster when it comes to software updates, HyperFlex is dangerously scary as you probably for safety reasons should never ever upgrade any hosts running HyperFlex technology... or NSX, you should simply delete the node and start off with a new replication. This means that where every other vendor's hyperconverged technology only needs three servers in a cluster, HyperFlex needs a minimum of four.

Companies need to use storage from the hypervisor vendor exclusively. Using third party hyperconverged storage with VMware, Azure, OpenStack or Citrix is sheer stupidity. It's also excessively wasteful. Currently, VMware's solution is the weakest and the worst to manage. I conspire to believe this is related to having been own by a storage company peddling legacy for so long they didn't want people to depend on better solutions.

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