Reply to post: Re: Dear network geeks, IPv6 is crap because...

Global IPv4 address drought: Seriously, we're done now. We're done


Re: Dear network geeks, IPv6 is crap because...

It does if you change things around, change providers, or move. Then you have to look everything up again.

Mate of mine has his broadband on a dynamic IP that changes every now and then. I do some update stuff for him plus until my situation changes I have my cloud server housed there. I have a sub domain that points to his house.

So every few weeks I have the incredibly difficult task of changing the DNS settings. Not one jot of this is done on the gear at his house. Once I have his IP I log into the domain register and change the IP on their systems, and a little while later the sub domain points to his house again. At no time do I need to change this on his system.

On a more complex network I used to admin, when we changed providers and so on I, er, well, I had to go into the domain register and change the registered IP for our domains. I did have to configure the router on one of those occasions, but that was because we also got to change from ADSL to VDSL which had become available, and of course had new hardware. If we'd kept the old hardware, I would not have needed to see it's screen.

Network topology and internal DNS/DHCP was designed so that it did not need to change and largely could be administered by a clueless noob.. Which is good because for a lot of this stuff compared to many here on El Reg I barely even rate as CN..

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