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Sysadmin's sole client was his wife – and she queried his bill


Definitely something up with your system. This Windows 7 box has been up for 20 days ...

Windows systems can be quite stable, but can also not be ... it depends on the mix of components you have, and how well they're supported.

Back in the day I had a fancy dual-CPU workstation running Windows 2000. It was generally rock-solid but after a few days it would start to get very slow and need a reboot. A little investigation showed that all the RAM was in use -- by something!

Further investigation revealed a memory leak in the little resident program that monitored the UPS. It leaked about a kilobyte of RAM every second, and after about a week it was using 600MB or so, and nothing else could run without swapping like a mad thing. The easiest solution was just to reboot every few days.

Apparently the UPS software was fine when using a serial connection, but I'd connected it by USB because I was using both my RS-232 ports for test kit and there was a fault in the USB comms.

In this case, though, the fault was not Microsoft's -- there's not al awful lot an OS can do to police a memory leak being perpetrated by a daemon process.

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