Reply to post: Re: Political theatre

Don't worry about Privacy Shield, it's fine. Really. I promise, says US trade watchdog head

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Political theatre

Also, lets wait & see how many €20m fines it takes for US companies to realise that they need to take this seriously and either pull out of the market or ensure that they're able to play by European rules.

Ah, but that's the bit they would like to hide from you: they can't. Not because they don't want to, but simply because US law doesn't let them, a fact they've been casually hiding under the table for decades.

This is why both Safe Harbour and its v2, Privacy Shield are political solutions: they did not ensure matching protection in law, they merely are agreements not to push the point too much. If you really care about privacy, however (or have customers that do), using service providers with a HQ or data centre in the US is not the brightest move to make, even when some political arm twisting* makes the Art 29 Working Group miraculously forego its objections.

* For those needing a euphemism, the US call that "negotiating"

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