Reply to post: Re: "I wish for world peace" ---- of course, we all do, but not necessary

I was authorized to trash my employer's network, sysadmin tells court

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "I wish for world peace" ---- of course, we all do, but not necessary

this sys admin is not going to get away with his "damaging actions" because that is what counts here.

No, there are two part to the law here - (1) Causing damage (2) Without Authorization.

Reading his appeal, many of the actions performed would be those reasonably expected by a sysadmin troubleshooting a problem. Because the company had backups of the servers, was there are real "damage" done?

Then, as mentioned in the appeal, there's the authorization aspect:

according to the plain language of the statute, a computer user can only cause “damage without authorization” if he has “no rights, limited or otherwise,” to “impair” the “integrity or availability” of the data or system at issue.

He had at least limited rights to impair integrity availability of data as a function of his job.

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