Reply to post: Re: @ wolfetone

Apple to Europe: It's our job to design Ireland's tax system, not yours

Voland's right hand Silver badge

Re: @ wolfetone

They could kill the golden goose in one swift move

No they will not. The golden goose is wearing a 1 foot thick flack vest in the form of the lowest BASE tax rate in the Eu. So as long as the commission even-handedly enforces the collection of the BASE rate Apple has nowhere to go. It has to declare all Eu revenue somewhere and Ireland WILL remain that place.

In fact, it has already started to declare that revenue at BASE rate for the last year (resulting in Irish GDP suffering from a noticeable jump which was not in the forecast).

Irish politicos are suffering from a first degree idiocy here. They do not need to resist, they need to take that ruling accept it with glee and then start a discovery tour around Europe looking for other sweet deals to make sure they are still the lowest corp tax rate by far.

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