Reply to post: Re: Replacing Linux with Windows, based on *cost*?

Munich may dump Linux for Windows

Richard Plinston

Re: Replacing Linux with Windows, based on *cost*?

> You can install them when convenient to you, but yes some types of Windows updates still need a reboot which is rather sucky.

> Allegedly this will be fixed when a patent that Oracle? has regarding live kernel patching expires - or Microsoft manage to engineer another method...

No. You are wrong. The reason for Windows rebooting for an update is that the file system cannot delete or replace a file while it is open. The directory entry contains the filename and the start of the file data block chain. This means that a file that is to be updated/replaced cannot while it is open (such as a driver or a DLL). The file has to be written to disk as a different file and a script added to for action on reboot.

The reboot runs the script and does the actual file update/replace.

Novell Netware did live kernel patching.

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