Reply to post: Robotics

MEPs in 'urgent' call for new laws on artificial intelligence and robotics

hoola Silver badge


There are huge implications here that have to be addressed, not least are the social and moral issues. Robotics and automation are fine to some extent but what is going to happen here is that it being used as a tool to increase profits for the few. Look at who are pushing it, tech companies that already do everything possible to avoid paying taxes. The impact on the general population is going to be decreased employment, increased poverty. The real whammy then is that the very companies that are pushing it will not be paying their share of the tax to support the welfare state and we end up with current 1st world countries turning into 3rd (or should that be 4th) world countries.

Whatever the motives behind this being dressed up as safety,. convenience etc, huge swathes of the population are going to end up with no meaningful employment, the welfare state grows and becomes unaffordable and society collapses. All too often science or technological development take a course tends up being destructive, or benefits a tiny elite minority at the expense of the majority.

Make no mistake, about it, the current push for AI, driverless vehicles is all about the few making money.

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