Reply to post: Re: Cheap labor

GoDaddy CEO says US is 'tech illiterate' (so, yeah, don't shut off that cheap H-1B supply)

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Cheap labor

I downvoted you not for the concept reflected in your post, I agree with it, but the fact that you kept writing "ppl" instead of people.

This isn't Twitter, it's not an sms via Tap9 on a feature phone, it's a post made to a forum with plenty of capacity to store your entire message, a message that you included longer words like "perpetuate" without any problem writing out in full.

I wanted to upvote you for the post, but the use of "ppl" nixed that for you.

Please don't abbreviate words that don't need to be, especially if you're going to type out far longer words in the same message. Thanks.

Sorry if this comes across wrong, I don't mean to denigrade the post content, I agree with it after all, it's just the use of "ppl" that hits like fingernails down a chalkboard.

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