Reply to post: Re: Sales

Munich may dump Linux for Windows


Re: Sales

But why are you banging on about this one small customer and extrapolating to the rest of the world to prove your point? Was it just a "handful of computers" or are you just making that stuff up? (the settlement amount would suggest otherwise). For all you know, no-one gave licensing a second thought and they just installed whatever they had originally bought on everything they had.

If I get fined by the IRS for a mistake on my return, my argument that the whole thing is too vague and complicated and it was an honest mistake is pointless. If my accountant makes that mistake, its still my fucking fault for not spotting his mistake. Its how the world works - get over it.

Lets face it Bob - your rabid, no-compromise hatred of "Micro-shaft" makes all of your posts about them somewhat pointless...

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