Reply to post: Re: it's not Linux, it's Office

Munich may dump Linux for Windows

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: it's not Linux, it's Office

I have the same issue at home and had, for OS X, to revert to MS Office. Couldn't even support myself ...

I've been using LibreOffice for both home and business use for over 5 years now. For us it's perfectly usable, and I haven't had to retrain anyone ONCE because of an UI change. I am willing to caveat that statement with the realisation that this may not work for everyone, especially those that run large spreadsheets or waste a lot of time tinkering with unmaintainable VBA add-ons, but we prefer stability and simplicity as we have very high security demands. The other benefit of LO is that it renders documents the same irrespective of platform (especially with embedded fonts enabled).

I have just done a test Office 365 on a Mac, and the prime reason for this test, Outlook, STILL has a serious security bug that has been with it since 2015 but which MS deems "not a problem". Based on that and its inability to talk any Open Standard such as caldav and carddav it will all be removed again and the explicit bar on Microsoft software will be maintained.

As for presentation software, on the rare occasions we use that we use Keynote as it is simpler and thus forces the presenter to focus on what they want to convey and not waste time with endless features that just distract - Keynote will make sure it still looks good. Again, no need for MS software.

The only viable reason for MS Office could be Excel. If we were to work with more complex data sets and get audit to agree that the work was indeed auditable I could see an installation happen on a system on a subnet with limited, firewalled access to the core.

Until then, we save ourselves a little money (Office 365 isn't really expensive - yet) and avoid risk.

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