Reply to post: Re: Adam 52

Munich may dump Linux for Windows

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Adam 52

> Dedicated currency keys

Care to share a pic?

FWIW, one thing I particularly like about Linux is the wide accessibility of symbols from the keyboard, and its ease of customisation. As someone who needs to work in four to six languages daily and use a variety of common and less common typographic symbols, I am very fond of the default keyboard behaviour in Linux, especially all the stuff under AltGr and Meta. ☺ ← [ That's Meta+:+), <space>, AltGr+y ]

One modification I've done was assign the figure dash symbol (‒) to AltGr+- and all it took was to modify one text file¹ by adding one single line. I do not know how easy it is on other OS, but I wonder if it can get much easier than that, in spite of being probably quite an advanced feature.

You say that you had trouble persisting your changes. What distribution and version was that? Definitely works and has worked for years on my systems.

¹ .Xmodmap

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