Reply to post: Re: "I rarely get cold calls"

BOFH: Password HELL. For you, mate, not for me


Re: "I rarely get cold calls"

I had a brilliant outcome to a scam call a couple of weeks ago...

Scammer: (heavy Indian accent) Ma'am this is David and I'm calling from BT, how are you today?

Me: (Deciding on the bright and breezy appoach) Awake!

Scammer: Ma'am, the reason I am calling is that we are worried about your internet, for the past few nights it has been sending us error messages which indicate to us it is being used illegally at night, do you understand?

Me: (thoughtfully) Riiight...

Scammer: Ma'am, we're talking about your router, OK? It's been hacked, OK?

Me: (energetically) Oh, right! Hang on, I work in IT, let me check the logs!

Scammer: You're an IT professional?

Me: Yes!

Scammer: (sounding wary) Right. I am talking to Mrs <surname>, yes?

Me: Nope! (Not married, and not going to correct them!)

Scammer: (confused, talking loudly to self) Then who the hell are *YOU*?!?

Me: (trying not to laugh) Well, that's not very polite for this time in a morning!

Scammer: (realises he said the last sentence out loud, not in his head!) >click<

Kept me laughing for days, that did! :D

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