Reply to post: Re: hmm

Soz telcos you're 'low priority' post-Brexit, says leaked gov doc

heyrick Silver badge

Re: hmm

"we do not have a plan, we have maybe a wish list."

Having read May's white paper (half a year in the making, god help us with the two year deadline after signing article 50), I don't think we even have a wish list. More a vague sort of fantasy.

I see you're still attracting downvotes. To quote a movie I saw a long time ago - you can't handle the truth. The government has no serious plan, there is no coherent strategy, just a white paper that should have arrived within six days (not six months), and sounding out other countries to see about the opportunities for arranging trade agreements because I think they might have realised that that white paper is such a piece of fantastical rubbish that the EU isn't even going to bother attempting to take it seriously. I hope those people downvoting this fully understand that a number of far flung countries consider the UK to be a gateway to the European market. This is largely how Japanese companies see the UK, and if the UK is going to walk away from the EU, then there's no gateway and hence no reason to bother with the UK.

You - the British - had a cherry position. In the EU but on the sidelines so less directly involved yet still an active voice. A gateway and a financial hub. And you're intent on fucking it all up for what, exactly? How about before you hit downvote, you instead hit reply and explain this to me in a way that isn't just some moronic drivel copied from the Express, Mail, or Telegraph...?

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