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Planned Espionage Act could jail journos and whistleblowers as spies

Rich 11

Even basic borrowing gets screwed up as "PFI"

The decision to keep the PFI liability off the books sits firmly at the feet of successive chancellors, not in the hands of a civil servant.

letting a simple contract for a rail franchise is beyond these cretins meagre talents

The entire franchising idea isn't simple -- that's the bloody point. Again, political direction.

the asinine "Foreign Aid" programme.

Yet another idiot who reaches for Daily Mail thinking instead of giving a moment's consideration to an investment in the future. It's almost like some people want developing countries not to climb out of poverty and to risk discontent, instability and war, eventually sending more refugees out into the world. Far better, ethically as well as pragmatically, to help people and to help create markets for our goods and services -- even David 'Pigfucker' Cameron understood that. You do want more trade deals once we're outside the EU, don't you?

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