Reply to post: It's all a media conspiracy!

Grumpy Trump trumped, now he's got the hump: Muslim ban beaten back by appeals court


It's all a media conspiracy!

Damn, should have put that all in CAPS! I'd like to thank the Illuminati who obviously control the media for secretly supporting Trump. Look at CNN's ratings, the massive spike in New York Times sales, etc, since he was elected. You might think his tweets criticizing them are sincere - not so, he's being played like the sock puppet he is.

It's also given the rest of the world a chance to both laugh at and feel superior to the United States - not something that happens very often. The rest of the world's media are raking it in. there's never been a better time to be a satirist or cartoonist, petition sites are booming and every second social media post includes the word Trump.

I rest my case your Honour (ps, please don't send it to appeal).

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