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SQL Server on Linux? HELL YES! Linux on Windows 10? Meh


My bet is this is a long term investment strategy for Microsoft to try and stay alive.

Looks to me like they are trying to contaminate Linux distros with SQL server as nobody really wants Windows (in any of its forms) these days. I'm guessing they will also be pushing the "Windows is better" line for the things they decided to leave out on Linux, again to try and retain some market share.

Who knows, they may even try and do some form of patent thing about Linux using their IP - even though they put it there - a bit like the old Prenda stuff.

Like many others, I used to live and breathe DOS/Windows/NT/Technet, but then I took the red pill and woke up and saw how bad things actually are in Redmond. Why do I have to keep re-learning the UI each release ? How does that in any way benefit the users ?

Now I am happy in my nature reserve surrounded mostly by penguins and a few dinosaurs that we are waiting to die out. I'n not liking the ideas of cross-breeding dinosaurs and penguins, so the electric fence will stay on until its no longer needed.

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