Reply to post: Re: Please revise this article

This many standards is dumb: Decoding 25Gb Ethernet and beyond

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: Please revise this article

While it's clear that the Author knows what he's talking about, the way the article is written is very confusing.

I think part of the problem is down to the rise of industry consortiums, taking over what previously would have been delivered by a task force working for an IEEE working group. (The main purpose of this approach was to enable smaller groups to work more rapidly towards a working standard without the delays and overhead inherent in the more formal IEEE standards development process.) So it is even less clear what are vendor standards and/or implementations of draft standards, which are Consortium standards and which are fully fledged IEEE Standards. So to me what is missing is some linkage of the various industry labels to a standardisation framework.

We had similar problems with 802.3 over twisted-pair and particularly with the 100Mbps implementation, with many competing names being banded around by vendors as they firstly vied to get their implementation adopted as the standard, then implementing their version of a draft standard before finally producing products that actually implemented the final ratified Standard.

So a question has to be whether the 25G Consortium's ratified standard is going to be submitted to IEEE 802.3 for formal adoption as an Internation Standard and thus be assigned an 802.3xx designation and thus enable those outside of the Consortium to more easily draw up specifications and identify suitable products.

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