Reply to post: Re: Generational difference

We need to talk about Granny: She's way more likely to fall for phishing


Re: Generational difference

Whereas, these days getting an email saying you have a parking violation is all too plausible. Electronic car parking systems and deliberately confusing parking signs means we can all trip up and catch a fine. And some of these notifications may come to your email address or phone.

I'm not sure that it is all that plausible, because it would require someone to be able to get my email address or 'phone number solely from my vehicle registration number. The DVLA might well give them my address, but nothing more. Yes, we might all accidentally infringe some parking regulation or restriction but that is still a long way from someone being able to email or telephone me about it.

Mind you, I don't have the occasion to use "electronic" parking systems.

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