Reply to post: quip? not all that clever, no.

Parliamentary Trump-off? Pro-Donald petition passes 100k signatures


quip? not all that clever, no.

>and even Ronald Reagan.

The problem with including The Gipper in that list is that it makes it really look like no Republican president would be acceptable to your tender sensibilities.

Reagan is controversial in some ways (I still joke about "Reagan vegetables"), and trickle-down economics didn't turn out as claimed (you could argue it was the starting shot for the great inequality race).

But Reagan was also quite successful at both knocking the USSR out of the Cold War. And, when that happened, actually taking a chance at more productive relations with Russia. Granted, not much $ or effort was expended in bolstering civil society and economies in ex-Soviet block countries (or Afghanistan) later, but that was on other people's watch, mostly.

Point is, he may not be to everyone's liking, but he doesn't belong on that list with the other psychopaths. And, since he was the least toxic of the recent Republican presidents (along w Bush Sr), you are basically saying "no Republican is acceptable". What's your suggestion? That the Dems keep power permanently? No matter how competent Bill and Barack might have been, it's toxic to stick with one party. Granted, 4 (or 8) more years of Democrats would have been better than the current buffoon.

Great attitude. IMHO, gives credence to morons like Bannon, Limbaugh and the like when they tell Rep voters that everyone's out to get them. And look where that bit of voter polarization got us this time. Someone who's already well on the way to displacing Bush Jr as the most incompetent POTUS of recent times.

As far as the Queen meeting with El Toupe or not, that's UK citizens' business. If I were making decisions, I'd keep my powder dry and reserve opposition to Trump where it really matters, not surface levels of protocol. Slighting him would not, at this point, achieve much. There are plenty of other opportunities awaiting, I suspect, where a principled stand against Trump will be more relevant. We are, not quite, yet, at the point where the main way to influence the US is to boycott everything, like with South Africa in the 90s.

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