Reply to post: @abc

God save the Queen... from Donald Trump. So say 1 million Britons

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward


(about online petitions)

"It's the equivalent of signing a massive physical petition, as was done before the internet.".

Not per definition, not even close even.

The problem lies in the details: how the petition is carried out. Not many people who open such petitions also have the technical know-how to prevent abuse. You know: signing the petition multiple times using all the e-mail aliases you have for example. And speaking of which: what about actually verifying the validity of an e-mail address?

I know: let's request people to register prior to signing. All it takes is one valid e-mail address. Here we go again.

Maybe one sign per IP address? But that would deprive your family from signing. Or worse: those who know how public VPN's work will once again have plenty of ways to sign multiple times.

Online petitions are by far the same as physical ones.

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