Reply to post: Re: Special relationship? My ass.

God save the Queen... from Donald Trump. So say 1 million Britons

Lars Silver badge

Re: Special relationship? My ass.

"Anything to be in power and now clutching at straws."

Very true and very normal and in any country. In politics it's always domestic politics first and always about the next election. She will now act and speak to Brits the way she believes will win her the next election in 2020. It would perhaps be easier for her if the election came earlier. So what does she actually believe in, does she believe in all that "open for business" and "free trade world power". Do you. As it is today she has to speak nice to the Brexiters while not forgetting the rest of the country either as It's all about the next election, and she has to watch out for the backstabbers too.

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