Reply to post: Re: Still climbing

God save the Queen... from Donald Trump. So say 1 million Britons

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Still climbing

Which is sad really as it only needed the first 100,000 to get debated in Parliament so the later 900,000+ are just wasting their time....... as are the first 100,000 because Parliament is sovereign hence can and will completely ignore siding with the petitioners.

Now if I was a totally Machiavellian president I might just instruct my security bods to hack the website and extract the details of the people who voted to obstruct my visit. They would go on the "special" vetting list for people visiting the US ...... you know the one that is conducted in a windowless room by the US immigration hall with a torch and a pair of thick rubber gloves lying innocently on the table. :-))

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