Reply to post: Re: Where were all these virtue signallers...

God save the Queen... from Donald Trump. So say 1 million Britons

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Where were all these virtue signallers...

"But, over all of that, we (UK) are supposed to have a "special relationship" with the USA. We are not so close with China et al. "

Our trade in goods with China far exceeds that with the USA. Also we're happy to let them buy up our companies (hello JLR) when it suits us.

"To have such a close partner behaving in such an abhorrent manner tarnishes our own reputation"

Rubbish. Despite what some might believe are relationship with the USA is no closer than they have with a lot of other european countries. The whole special relationship is a load of BS. If there is one its almost entirely one way.

"We should be making our feelings and opinions known in the strongest terms possible."

Sure, do a song and dance if it makes you feel better about yourself. In the meantime Trump is enacting the policiies he set out in his manifesto and was duly elected on and if you honestly think protests by a load of bien pensants and student agitators will make one shred of difference to a man like him then you're in for a nasty surprise. In fact given his "you hit me and I'll hit you back twice as hard" personality type it may well have the exact opposite effect to that intended. Plus he knows who his core support is , and it aint them so he doesn't give a feck.

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