Reply to post: Re: Ouch

Unite: CSC UK set for 'jobs massacre' as 1,101 heads put on chopping block

LionelB Silver badge

Re: Ouch

Some of the management layers were less useful than a vegetable patch. At least with a vegetable patch you get to eat a decent meal every so often and they can be quite attractive. Also a vegetable patch doesn't wander in and constantly mess about with work in progress. The management I experienced was notable for its talent in messing things up in pursuit of non-business objectives.

He, he, made me laugh. I worked as a programmer for CSC back in the early 90s, and management numptiness was already off the scale. Immediately after joining I spent almost six months doing absolutely nothing (and being quite handsomely paid for it), despite repeated pleas to at least train me, or ... something. Apparently figuring out how best to "deploy me" was an exhausting and extremely time-consuming process. (At least, whiling away the empty hours in my shiny office, I discovered this new-fangled "World Wide Web" thingy - I recall Mosaic had just been released.)

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