Reply to post: Ouch

Unite: CSC UK set for 'jobs massacre' as 1,101 heads put on chopping block



I did some contract work for CSC a few years ago. Even then it was obvious that the talent was leaving and they were taking on contractors to fill the voids.

Some of the management layers were less useful than a vegetable patch. At least with a vegetable patch you get to eat a decent meal every so often and they can be quite attractive. Also a vegetable patch doesn't wander in and constantly mess about with work in progress. The management I experienced was notable for its talent in messing things up in pursuit of non-business objectives.

I have some good friends still toiling under the lash. I would be sorry to hear that they had been affected by this. I could suggest several people who should go. I have a little list, they'll none of them be missed.

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