Reply to post: The kernel of truth

We've found a ‘vaccine’ for fake news. Wait! No, we really are Cambridge researchers

Bucky 2

The kernel of truth

A good lie usually has some kernel of truth in it.

"Fake News" is a problematic concept because language itself always lacks precision. A actual vaccine is NOT what the Cambridge researchers are suggesting, for example, but some dick hole is going to take it way too literally. I also noticed that in a published list of "fake news" sites, The Onion was right there, in alphabetical order with the rest.

I THINK I get what they're trying to say. That if reporters include a few bullet points like "...and this is what this DOESN'T mean" to a difficult topic, then it's less likely to be misinterpreted.

The larger problem, though, is that people simply don't take personal responsibility for finding shit out. It's The Onion's fault, apparently, that they can't tell their ass from a hole in the ground. I don't think any reporter in the world can write himself around that that kind of fortress of willful ignorance.

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