Reply to post: Re: Meh!

Valley techies to protest outside Palantir – Trump adviser's creepy citizen database biz

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Meh!

It's not hard to understand. The Democrats are the Party of Freebies, thus the poor tend to vote for them a lot. And no one is poorer than illegal alie... excuse me, undocumented migrants. So the Dems are determined not to enforce our laws about immigration because that way they get more voters in future.

Of course they also need to get those gate crashers sworn in as Demo... (oops, there I go again) ..I mean as American citizens, so they can legally vote.

Heck, some Dems aren't even willing to wait that long, and oppose any attempt to make voters prove who they are, and they also give illegals driver's licenses. Sure makes it easier for the illegals to vote with the help of a major party, don't it?

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