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Smart guns are a neat idea on paper. They'll never survive reality

Charles 9

"We teach children sex safety, so why not gun safety?"

Actually, aren't sex safety classes BANNED in many schools because of an attitude of "Don't even THINK about sex"?

"That being said, more kids drown than are accidentally shot. Far more kids are killed in traffic accidents. More kids commit suicide. More kids are actually killed by someone else, sometimes by their own parents. Way more kids die from malaria."

And most would say the bulk of those deaths are tragic but pretty much hard to really prevent. Vehicle accidents are usually pure physics; not much you can do about a two-ton object hitting a kid that popped out of nowhere within ten feet. Suicides? South Korea and Japan have no guns but are much worse in suicides; they just turn to other means like self-defenestration and poison. Most malaria cases are in remote areas away from what we'd call civilization; there it's just part of a long list of causes of premature death. Malaria deaths in the first world are rare. The pool incidents are pretty much the only question marks, but how much can you safeguard against a precocious kid who figured out how you open a lock and remove a safety net?

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