Reply to post: Bit of empire building here?

US Marines seek more than a few good men (3,000 men and women, actually) for cyber-war


Bit of empire building here?

Why does the US Marine Corps need a cyber-offense capability?

I appreciate that the US Marines still exist as a separate entity (as do the Royal Marines) for historical reasons. Navies fought on water, armies fought on land, and eventually, Air Forces fought in the air, and Marines were soldiers who fought from ships.

But surely there is no need for a country to duplicate specialist units in each service? Cyber-skills are needed but wouldn't it make more sense to have a single team that provides a central cyber-resource? Given the tendency of each service to guard their own territory and treat the other services as a bigger threat than the enemy, I can see great opportunities for chaos and confusion as each services cyber warriors plant malware on the same Russian system, and then spend ages attacking the people who planted the other malware!

A military unit with the job of running up beaches, guns blazing, really doesn't need its own cyber-offense unit.

Time for a central unit I think, in the same way that things like Military Intelligence are usually handled.

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