Reply to post: Re: Google and MS bug me all the time now

New Windows 10 privacy controls: Just a little snooping – or the max


Re: Google and MS bug me all the time now smartphone gets daily telemarketing calls...Thanks big Korps for selling me out.

Correlation doesn't equal causality.

It's more likely that phone spammers found your digits by war-dialing blocks of phone numbers. They don't even care who owns the numbers anymore. It's cheaper to call everyone than to vet numbers.

Obviously, there are Priority Sucker Lists of people who actually respond to spam calls, which is a special circle of hell. But the point is, tthere's no way to keep a working phone number secret for any length of time anymore. All it takes is one hit (e.g., your voice mail outgoing message) to validate the number and it's blown forever.

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